The Mutiny is a rock musical comedy about residents at a nursing home who stage a mutiny to preserve their autonomy. This comedic yet poignant story explores aging, reconnecting with loved ones, and the clash between safety and freedom in later life.

this show is currently in development with a projected industry reading scheduled for march 2025.

age is just a musical number

Greetings Friend!

Thanks for visiting this show’s webpage!

Ever since 7th grade, I fell in love with Broadway (and overpriced hot roasted peanuts in Times Square).

I’m a comic performer, writer, musician and social worker (how does that make you feel?) and I’m truly excited to share details pertaining to my new musical comedy The Mutiny.

It's ultimately a story about something we all experience: ageism...and it's told with a comedic twist.

I want the show to be a catalyst to help older parents talk to their middle-aged children about what they need to live comfortably when they get to later stages of life.

I also want THE MUTINY to emphasize the negative impacts of ageism and stereotypes about older adults.

I want THE MUTINY to highlight the importance of reconnecting with loved ones and letting them know how much they mean to us when we still have the chance.

Thanks for taking this ride with me as the journey into developing this show begins to take flight!

Exciting updates to come!

All my best and cheers!

- Jared

Jared Scheinberg


The musical stylings of…

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